Enumeration of item kinds that can be themed.
Namespace: PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.Backends.Console
Assembly: PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.dll
public enum ConsoleThemeItem
Name | Description |
AsyncCallId | The id of the current async state machine. |
AwaitedContextId | The id of the awaited context. |
AwaitedMethod | The name of the method that returned the awaitable. |
AwaitedType | The name of the type that returned the awaitable. |
CustomParameterValue | A parameter in a custom string. |
Delimiter | A delimiter (such as a comma). |
Exception | The exception type. |
ExecutionTime | The duration of the method execution. |
LevelCritical | |
LevelDebug | |
LevelError | |
LevelInfo | |
LevelTrace | |
LevelWarning | |
MemberName | The member name. |
None | None. |
OtherSemanticParameter | Another semantic parameter. |
ParameterName | A parameter name. |
ParameterType | A parameter type. |
ParameterValue | A parameter value. |
Prefix | Value of the Prefix property, if defined. |
RecordKind | |
ReturnItemName | The name of a return item, if the method returns a tuple. |
ReturnItemValue | The value of a return item, if the method returns a tuple. |
ReturnValue | The return value. |
Role | The role of the logging record. |
SourceFile | The path of the source file. |
SourceLine | The line of the source file. |
Text | Normal message text. |
This | The value of the |
Time | The current time. |
TypeName | The type name. |