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Interface ILogActivity

Exposes the public API of the generic value type LogActivity<TActivityDescription>.

Namespace: Flashtrace.Activities
Assembly: Flashtrace.dll
public interface ILogActivity : IDisposable


Name Description

Gets the ILoggingContext corresponding to the current activity.


Name Description

Resumes the current async activity after it has been suspended by a call to Suspend(). There is typically no need to invoke this method in user code because all async methods that use the FlashtraceLevelSource class are automatically instrumented.

SetException(Exception, in CloseActivityOptions)

Closes the activity with an Exception.

SetOutcome<TMessage>(FlashtraceLevel, in TMessage, Exception?, in CloseActivityOptions)

Closes the activity and sets its outcome.

SetResult<TResult>(TResult, in CloseActivityOptions)

Closes the activity with success and includes a result in the outcome message.

SetSuccess(in CloseActivityOptions)

Closes the activity with success and sets no other outcome message than Succeeded.


Suspends the current async activity. The activity must than be resumed by a call of the Resume() method. There is typically no need to invoke this method in user code because all async methods that use the FlashtraceLevelSource class are automatically instrumented.