Open sandboxFocus

Constructor DependencyProperties

DependencyProperties(INamedType, IType, string, bool, bool?, bool?, DeclarationKind)

Initializes a new instance of the DependencyProperties class. This overload excepts the dependency type as an IType.

public DependencyProperties(INamedType targetType, IType dependencyType, string name, bool isStatic = false, bool? isRequired = null, bool? isLazy = null, DeclarationKind kind = DeclarationKind.Field)
Type Name Description
INamedType targetType

The type into which the dependency should be introduced.

IType dependencyType

The type of the dependency.

string name

The name of the field or property that should expose the property.

bool isStatic

Indicates whether the dependency field or property should be static.

bool? isRequired

Indicates whether the dependency is required. When this parameter is set to false, the code will accept missing dependencies.

bool? isLazy

Indicates whether the dependency should be lazily resolved upon first use. Whe this parameter is set to false, the dependency is resolved upon object construction.

DeclarationKind kind

Either Property or Field.

DependencyProperties(INamedType, Type, string, bool, bool?, bool?, DeclarationKind)

Initializes a new instance of the DependencyProperties class. This overload excepts the dependency type as a Type.

public DependencyProperties(INamedType targetType, Type dependencyType, string name, bool isStatic = false, bool? isRequired = null, bool? isLazy = null, DeclarationKind kind = DeclarationKind.Field)
Type Name Description
INamedType targetType

The type into which the dependency should be introduced.

Type dependencyType

The type of the dependency.

string name

The name of the field or property that should expose the property.

bool isStatic

Indicates whether the dependency field or property should be static.

bool? isRequired

Indicates whether the dependency is required. When this parameter is set to false, the code will accept missing dependencies.

bool? isLazy

Indicates whether the dependency should be lazily resolved upon first use. Whe this parameter is set to false, the dependency is resolved upon object construction.

DeclarationKind kind

Either Property or Field.


protected DependencyProperties(DependencyProperties original)
Type Name Description
DependencyProperties original