This namespace serves the following purposes:
It provides read access to the project configuration, which encompasses project references, preprocessor symbols, build properties, and other related information. Refer to the IProject interface for more details. This interface can be accessed from any code element through the ICompilation.Project property.
It discloses information about the current execution context via the MetalamaExecutionContext.Current property.
It reveals the service provider, which facilitates access from high-level code to the low-level plugins.
Conceptual documentation
Refer to Making aspects configurable.
Class diagram
classDiagram class ICompilation { Project } class IProject { AssemblyReferences Configuration Path PreprocessorSymbols ServiceProvider TargetFramework TryGetProperty() } class IExecutionContext { Compilation ExecutionScenario FormatProvider ServiceProvider } class MetalamaExecutionContext { Current } class IServiceProvider { GetService() } class IService { } class IExecutionScenario { Name IsDesignTime CapturesCodeFixImplementations CapturesCodeFixTitles CapturesNonObservableTransformations } IProject <-- ICompilation : exposes IServiceProvider <-- IProject: exposes IExecutionContext <-- MetalamaExecutionContext : exposes IServiceProvider <-- IExecutionContext: exposes IExecutionScenario <-- IExecutionContext: exposes IService <-- IServiceProvider: provides
Namespace members
Exposes the current execution context of Metalama.
An base class that must be implemented by classes that want to extend IProject with project-local configuration data using the Extension<T>() method.
Provides extensions methods to the IServiceProvider interface.
Represents the execution context of Metalama. Exposed by the Current property of MetalamaExecutionContext.
Exposes the properties of the scenarios in which an aspect, template, or fabric is being executed. The interface is accessible from the MetalamaExecutionContext class.
Exposes the properties of the current C# project, such as Path, AssemblyReferences, PreprocessorSymbols, Configuration or TargetFramework. To access a custom MSBuild property, use TryGetProperty(string, out string?). You can extend this interface with your own framework-specific by using the Extension<T>() method.