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Namespace Metalama.Patterns.Contracts



A base class for all contracts defined in this library.


Fabric extension methods to configure the Metalama.Patterns.Contracts namespace.


Represents the context in which a ContractBaseAttribute is used, i.e. its target declaration and Options.


Fabric extension methods allowing to add NotNullAttribute contracts in bulk and to access options.


Runtime helper methods for RangeAttribute.


Options for all aspects of the Metalama.Patterns.Contracts namespace. You can configure these options using the ConfigureContracts(IAspectReceiver<ICompilation>, ContractOptions) method.


Provides default implementations for the code templates used by code contract aspects (derived from ContractBaseAttribute). This class can be derived and templates can be overridden. To register the new template implementations, use the Templates contract options.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that is not a valid credit card number. If the target is a nullable type, If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.


Custom attribute that, when applied to a method, means that invariants should not be checked when this method completes.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that is not a valid email address. If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that is not a valid member of an enumeration.



Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is smaller than a given bound. The behavior when the target is exactly assigned to the bound depends on the DefaultInequalityStrictness option. If this option is not specified, a warning is reported.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is smaller than a given value.


Aspect that, when added to a parameterless void method, causes this method to be invoked after each property setter or method (but not property getters), except those annotated with DoNotCheckInvariantsAttribute. The target method must check any relevant condition and throw throw InvariantViolationException in case of violation.


A class used by the InvariantAttribute aspect to count the number of times the SuspendInvariants method has been invoked.


An exception that should be thrown by the target methods of the InvariantAttribute aspect.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is greater than a given bound. The behavior when the target is exactly assigned to the bound depends on the DefaultInequalityStrictness option. If this option is not specified, a warning is reported.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is greater than a given value.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value greater than zero. The behavior when the target is assigned to zero depends on the DefaultInequalityStrictness option. If this option is not specified, a warning is reported.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value smaller than zero.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value greater than zero.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned an empty value. The custom attributes can be added to locations of type string (where empty means zero characters), or ICollection, ICollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>, arrays or ImmutableArray<T> (where empty means zero items). Null references or default ImmutableArray<T> instances are accepted and do not throw an exception.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentNullException if the target is assigned a null value.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that is not a valid phone number. If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value smaller than zero. The behavior when the target is assigned to zero depends on the DefaultInequalityStrictness option. If this option is not specified, a warning is reported.


The exception that is thrown when a postcondition contract was not fulfilled by a method.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is outside a given range.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that does not match a given regular expression. If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.


The base class of contracts that are based on custom attributes.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws:


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is not strictly within the given range.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is smaller than or equal to a given value.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value that is greater than or equal to a given value.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value greater than or equal to zero.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the target is assigned a value smaller than or equal to zero.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a string of invalid length. If the target is a nullable type, If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.


Aspect that, when applied to a method or accessor, suspends the execution of invariants for the object while this method is executing. All threads and execution contexts are affected. The feature must be enabled through the IsInvariantSuspensionSupported contract option.


Custom attribute that, when added to a field, property or parameter, throws an ArgumentException if the target is assigned a value that is not a valid URL starting with http://, https:// or ftp://. If the target is a nullable type, If the target is a nullable type, null strings are accepted and do not throw an exception.



A disposable cookie returned by the SuspendInvariants method generated by the InvariantAttribute aspect.



Enumerates the meanings of inequalities of unspecified strictness such as GreaterThanAttribute, LessThanAttribute, PositiveAttribute and NegativeAttribute.