The source code of method bodies and expression bodies is not represented in the high-level API of Metalama. If you need to access source code from an aspect, you must implement a service using Metalama SDK.
Namespace: PostSharp.Reflection.MethodBody
Assembly: Metalama.Migration.dll
[Obsolete("The source code of method bodies and expression bodies is not represented in the high-level API of Metalama. If you need to access source code from an aspect, you must implement a service using Metalama SDK.", false)]
public enum MethodBodyElementKind
Name | Description |
Add | |
AddChecked | |
AddressOf | |
And | |
ArgumentList | |
ArrayIndex | |
ArrayLength | |
Assign | |
Block | |
Box | |
Cast | |
CheckFinite | |
Conditional | |
Constant | |
Convert | |
ConvertChecked | |
CopyBuffer | |
DefaultValue | |
Different | |
Divide | |
Equal | |
Field | |
Goto | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
InitBuffer | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
LoadToken | |
LocalAlloc | |
LocalVariableDefinition | |
MakeTypedReference | |
MethodBody | |
MethodCall | |
MethodPointer | |
Modulo | |
Multiply | |
MultiplyChecked | |
Negate | |
NewArray | |
NewObject | |
Not | |
Or | |
Parameter | |
Rethrow | |
Return | |
SafeCast | |
ShiftLeft | |
ShiftRight | |
SizeOf | |
Statement | |
Substract | |
SubstractChecked | |
Switch | |
This | |
Throw | |
TypedReferenceType | |
TypedReferenceValue | |
Unbox | |
ValueOf | |
Variable | |
Xor |