Custom attribute that, when applied an an aspect class, means that this aspect class is implemented by a low-level weaver built with Metalama SDK. When the RequireAspectWeaverAttribute is added to a type, the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method is not invoked.
Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Aspects
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public sealed class RequireAspectWeaverAttribute : Attribute
Name | Description |
RequireAspectWeaverAttribute(string) | Initializes a new instance of the RequireAspectWeaverAttribute class. |
RequireAspectWeaverAttribute(Type) | Initializes a new instance of the RequireAspectWeaverAttribute class. |
Name | Description |
Type | Gets the namespace-qualified name of the type implementing the aspect. |