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Enum ApplyChangesAxis

Enumerates the axes along which two option layers can be merged by the ApplyChanges(object, in ApplyChangesContext) method.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Options
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public enum ApplyChangesAxis


Name Description

Means that options defined by the aspect instance itself override any other option.


Means that options on the base type or overridden member override the options inherited from the namespace or the default options.


Means that options on the containing declaration (typically the declaring type, but not the namespace, which are specified by the BaseDeclaration axis) override the options defined in the base declaration. For instance, type-level options on the declaring type of an override method override method-level options on the base method.


Means that options directly applied to the declaration override other options also directly applied to the declaration.


Means that options directly applied to the declaration override options inherited along the containment or base axis.