Enumerates all kinds of references.
Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Validation
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public enum ReferenceKinds : long
Name | Description |
All | All reference kinds. |
ArrayCreation | Creation of an array. The reference points to the type. |
ArrayElementType | Element type of an array. |
ArrayType | |
Assignment | Left part of an assignment. |
AttributeType | Type of a custom attribute. |
BaseConstructor | Base constructor (either |
BaseType | Base type or interface. |
CastType | Type of a cast (both |
Default | A field or property access that does not fall into another category. |
InterfaceMemberImplementation | Implicit or explicit implementation of an interface member. The reference points to the interface member. |
Invocation | Invocation of a method or delegate. |
IsType |
LocalVariableType | Type of a local variable. |
MemberType | Type of a field, property, or event. |
NameOf |
None | |
NullableType | Nullable type. |
ObjectCreation | Object construction, i.e. constructor invocation. The reference generally points to the constructor. In case of collection expression, the reference points to the type. |
OverrideMember | The member is being overridden using an |
ParameterType | Parameter reference. |
PointerType | Type of element pointed at by an unmanaged pointer. |
RefType | Type of a |
ReturnType | Return type of a method. |
TupleElementType | Type of a tuple element. |
TupleType | |
TypeArgument | Type argument (e.g. generic argument). |
TypeConstraint | Type constraint of a generic parameter. |
TypeOf |
Using | |
UsingNamespace | Inside a |