Open sandboxFocus

Constructor AspectOrderAttribute

AspectOrderAttribute(params Type[])

[Obsolete("Explicitly specify AspectOrderDirection.RunTime for the 'direction' parameter.")]
public AspectOrderAttribute(params Type[] orderedAspectTypes)
Type Name Description
Type[] orderedAspectTypes

AspectOrderAttribute(params string[])

[Obsolete("Explicitly specify AspectOrderDirection.RunTime for the 'direction' parameter.")]
public AspectOrderAttribute(params string[] orderedAspectLayers)
Type Name Description
string[] orderedAspectLayers

AspectOrderAttribute(AspectOrderDirection, params Type[])

Initializes a new instance of the AspectOrderAttribute class that specifies the order of execution of aspects. This constructor does not allow multi-layer aspects to overlap each other. If aspects are composed of several layers, all layers of each aspect are ordered as a single group. To order layers individually, use the other constructor.

public AspectOrderAttribute(AspectOrderDirection direction, params Type[] orderedAspectTypes)
Type Name Description
AspectOrderDirection direction

The direction in which the aspect types are supplied. RunTime means that the orderedAspectTypes parameter specifies the run-time execution order, which is more intuitive to aspect users. CompileTime means that the compile-time execution order is supplied, which is intuitive to aspect authors.

Type[] orderedAspectTypes

A list of aspect types given the desired order of execution.

AspectOrderAttribute(AspectOrderDirection, params string[])

Initializes a new instance of the AspectOrderAttribute class that specified the order of execution of aspect layers. This constructor allows to specify the order of execution of individual layers.

public AspectOrderAttribute(AspectOrderDirection direction, params string[] orderedAspectLayers)
Type Name Description
AspectOrderDirection direction

The direction in which the aspect types are supplied. RunTime means that the orderedAspectLayers parameter specifies the run-time execution order, which is more intuitive to aspect users. CompileTime means that the compile-time execution order is supplied, which is intuitive to aspect authors.

string[] orderedAspectLayers

A list of layer names composed of the full name of the aspect type and the name of the aspect layer. The following formats are allowed: MyNamespace.MyAspectType to match the default layer, MyNamespace.MyAspectType:MyLayer to match a non-default layer, or MyNamespace.MyAspectType:* to match all layers of an aspect.