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Interface IFieldOrPropertyBuilder

Base interface for IFieldBuilder and IPropertyBuilder.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public interface IFieldOrPropertyBuilder : IFieldOrProperty, IFieldOrPropertyInvoker, IExpression, IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexerBuilder, IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer, IHasAccessors, IMemberBuilder, IMember, IMemberOrNamedTypeBuilder, IMemberOrNamedType, INamedDeclaration, IDeclarationBuilder, IDeclaration, IDisplayable, IDiagnosticLocation, ICompilationElement, IMeasurable, IEquatable<IDeclaration>, IHasTypeBuilder, IHasType


Name Description

Gets or sets the initializer expression (i.e. the expression at the right hand of the equal sign).


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field or property is required, i.e. it must be initialized when an instance of the declaring type is initialized.

Extension Methods