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Interface IIndexerBuilder

Allows to complete the construction of an indexer that has been created by an advice.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationBuilders
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public interface IIndexerBuilder : IPropertyOrIndexerBuilder, IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexerBuilder, IHasTypeBuilder, IIndexer, IPropertyOrIndexer, IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer, IHasAccessors, IHasType, IIndexerInvoker, IHasParametersBuilder, IMemberBuilder, IMemberOrNamedTypeBuilder, IDeclarationBuilder, IHasParameters, IMember, IMemberOrNamedType, INamedDeclaration, IDeclaration, IDisplayable, IDiagnosticLocation, ICompilationElement, IMeasurable, IEquatable<IDeclaration>


Name Description
AddParameter(string, IType, RefKind, TypedConstant?)

Adds a parameter to the current indexer and specifies its type using an IType.

AddParameter(string, Type, RefKind, TypedConstant?)

Adds a parameter to the current indexer and specifies its type using a reflection Type.

Extension Methods