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Class DeclarationExtensions

Extension methods for IDeclaration.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Code
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public static class DeclarationExtensions


Name Description

Gets the declarations (namespaces, types, methods, properties, fields, constructors, events, indexers) directly contained in the given declaration.


Gets the declarations (namespaces, types, methods, properties, fields, constructors, events, indexers) in the given declaration and in any child of the declaration.


Gets the declarations (namespaces, types, methods, properties, fields, constructors, events, indexers) in the given declaration and in any child of the declaration, plus the given declaration.


Gets all containing ancestors, i.e. declaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration...


Gets all containing ancestors including the current declaration, i.e. declaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration...


Gets an object that gives access to the aspects, options and annotations on the current declaration.

ForCompilation<T>(T?, ICompilation, ReferenceResolutionOptions)

Gets a representation of the current declaration in a different version of the compilation.


Gets the declaring IMemberOrNamedType of a given declaration if the declaration if not an IMemberOrNamedType, or the IMemberOrNamedType itself if the given declaration is itself an IMemberOrNamedType.


Gets the declaring INamedType of a given declaration if the declaration if not an INamedType, or the INamedType itself if the given declaration is itself an INamedType.


Gets the namespace of a given declaration, i.e. the namespace itself if the given declaration is a namespace, the closest containing namespace, or the global namespace if an ICompilation is given.


Gets the topmost type of a nested type, i.e. a type that is not contained in any other type. If the given type is not a given type, returns the given type itself.

IsContainedIn(IDeclaration, IDeclaration)

Determines if a given declaration is a child of another given declaration, using the ContainingDeclaration relationship for all declarations except for named type, where the parent namespace is considered.

TryForCompilation<T>(T?, ICompilation, out T?, ReferenceResolutionOptions)

Tries to get a representation of the current declaration in a different version of the compilation.