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Interface IDeclaration

Represent a declaration.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Code
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public interface IDeclaration : IDisplayable, IDiagnosticLocation, ICompilationElement, IMeasurable, IEquatable<IDeclaration>

The IDeclaration interface implements IEquatable<T>. The implementation uses the Default comparer. To use a different comparer, choose a different comparer from IDeclaration.Compilation.Comparers.


Name Description

Gets the collection of custom attributes on the declaration.


Gets a value indicating whether the current declaration is declared to the current project. It returns false for declarations declared in referenced projects or assemblies.


Gets the containing declaration, such as a INamedType for nested types or for methods. For non-nested types, returns the containing assembly (and not the namespace, use ContainingNamespace for that).


Gets the kind of declaration.


Gets the declaring assembly, which can be the current Compilation or a reference assembly.


Gets the depth of the current declaration in the code model. The value of the Depth property has no absolute meaning, only a relative one, i.e. it is only relevant when comparing the depth of two declarations. A declaration has always a greater depth than the declaration in which it is contained. A type has always a greater depths than the base it derives from or the interfaces it implements.


Gets a value indicating whether the member is implicitly declared, i.e. declared without being represented in source code. Returns false if it is explicitly declared in code.


Gets the origin of the current declaration.


Gets the set of syntax nodes of the source code that declare the current declaration, or an empty set if the current declaration is not backed by source code.


Name Description

Gets a reference to the compilation, which can be used to identify the current declaration in a different revision of the compilation. The reference object is compile-time serializable. It is guaranteed to be deserializable in a different process, even with a different version of Metalama.


Gets a serializable identifier for the current declaration. This identifier is guaranteed to be deserializable in a different process, even with a different version of Metalama.

Extension Methods

See Also